The Informed Consent Form will explain how the Registry staff will collect and use your personal data. Throughout the Registry your file will be kept
confidential. Your personal identifying information will not be entered in
the study database.
Information about your pregnancy, but not your identity, may
be reviewed by a Scientific Advisory Committee. If necessary, your Registry records, such as medical releases and/or case information may be reviewed by a Birth Defect Evaluator who works with the Registry. A report on the results of all pregnancies in the Registry, without any identifying information, will be submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other regulatory agencies and will be available to health care providers who participated in the Registry. Results of the Registry findings may be published, but we will never make your name, your baby’s name, or other identifying information available.
Talk to the Registry staff - they can explain the rules that are in place to
help keep your Registry information private and secure